Writing and research is strenuous work. It is such profound work that it can capture you, leading you to abandon other activities — including taking the time to relate to others meaningfully. Therapy offers you an opportunity to re-examine what is truly essential to you in the long-term, and to re-establish some kind of equilibrium, even when your research or writing is all-consuming, and you have lost your savor for all other activities. Therapy teaches you how to observe that which is both inside and outside of you — the fleeting thoughts and feelings you have pushed aside, the wants and needs you have long ago buried. In therapy, we will establish a working relationship to help you dip into the waters of relating again (or for the very first time), where you feel you can safely be yourself, come to some understanding of what that feels like, and increase your discernment of what is outside of you. As such you will gain confidence in different realms where you must function, while your relationships will grow healthier and more subtle. And as you increasingly notice the contrasts between your work-life and your times with others, your valuation of both will increase immensely.